E R.'s review of Woodland Hills Medical Clinic & Urgent Care

Woodland Hills Medical Clinic & Urgent Care

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/14/2010
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Review 10/14/2010
FRAUDS! ZERO stars to this place, if it were possible. The staff is rude and ignorant. My experience there was horrendous. I had a severe medical need and this was the closest place that I knew of; also, I was new in town. Right off the bat, I should have seen the red flag, because they made me pay almost $200 up front and sign a full packet of papers. The people who work there can hardly be called "medical professionals;" they treated me like dirt and spoke with much profanity, demeaning me and making me feel worse than the condition I was already in. Any time I asked a question, concerning the situation at hand, they practically spit in my face and had no logical answers to anything. I ran out of there as soon as I saw that they were trying to scam me with charges for medical procedures that I absolutely DID NOT NEED. I had an allergic reaction to something, as I have some times in the past and knew that I needed a specific prescription medicine and a cortisone shot. The staff at this place tried convincing me that I would need overnight treatment, an IV and all these other unnecessary procedures that calculated to almost $3000!!!! When I questioned this, they yelled at me and harassed me even more when I cried and seemed outwardly upset! I literally ran out of there like a bat out of hell! SCARY. Luckily, I found a REAL Urgent Care Center and they gave me exactly what I needed, prescription and all, I didn't pay until I was treated AND it cost half the price than the Woodland Hills clinic charged just to get in and see someone. I filed a complaint with the BBB. Also, I found out later, from an ACTUAL medical doctor in the area, that the person who runs this place is a medical fraud - and he still has this practice?!?!?!?!?!?!!!? Unbelievable. I encourage everyone to STAY AWAY from here and if you, or someone you know, has had the unfortunate experience of also being SCAMMED by these people, please report it! Hopefully, they will no longer be allowed to stay in business.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (818) 888-7009 Address   5995 Topanga Canyon Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Website   http://www.woodlandhillsmedical.com Email   mirshojaeh@aol.com
Contact   Ana Zarrin Other  
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