Worst Customer Service EVER!!!
When I first ordered the product, I liked the way it worked. (I didn't place a reorder...found out they automatically start shipping it out..even before the time you are finished with the trial). After than shipment I called and had the shipments customized. I DID NOT like the next type as it made mine and my daughter's hair appear exceptionally greasy and very hard to style. I called to cancel the shipment and was told it was cancelled. However, it came in the mail and my card was charged. (There is NO return label or address provided to send it back either). I finally found the time to call and get the address to send it to (Sent it back with delivery and signature confirmation). I called to check status as was told that even though they received it, it was over the date allowed for returns...so much for the return policy. The bottles were not even out of the wrappers. The lady was really rude and told me she didn't have the authority to authorize a refund and that all the supervisors were busy. I am contacting the bank and possibly an attorney if my card is charged again. I have several friends who were inquiring about using it and I will DEFINITELY not be recommending it. It's a shame as the original product was great, but who wants to be scammed. It's really a bad company in which to do business and I would definitely recommend visiting a stylist verses getting hooked up with this company.
Business's response - by GR CETon 2/27/2013
Dear Molly,
Thank you for your review. We appreciate the time you have taken to let us know about your experience.
We'd like to help in this matter. May we kindly ask you to fill out this webform http://www.wenhaircare.com/lp/cet. You are also welcome to send an email to us at customerservice@guthy-renker.com using the subject line RE: Trustlink Review. Please make sure to provide your full name and address as well a contact phone number where we can reach you. This will allow us to locate your account and contact you with a resolution in a timely manner.
Thank you very much and kindest regards,
Guthy-Renker LLC, Corporate Escalation Team